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[MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts
17.07.2013, 11:21 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.03.2015 12:23 von Silver Surfer.)
Beitrag #1
[MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts

Mixed Martian Arts

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[Pic By MMAliens]

From left to right:
Zenchi "The Legend" Zakuraba / Klodos "Suicide" Solomon / Grog "The Hammer" Hexus / Fighter Z-24

Sculptor & Paintor: Aaron Fowler
Scale: 1/6
Höhe: 12" (je nach Statue ca. 30cm)

MMAliens: The Background Story of the first IFF Tournament
The year is 4082........
    The Mars Fight Federation (MFF) is at the height of its popularity on the planet Mars as well as  are the other fight organizations that exist amongst the many galaxies in the endless universe.  However, Mars "Masher" Mackenzie, the MFF`s longest reigning, retired former champion, owner, and visionary business man has begun plans to absorb the many organizations into one intergalactic league.  In hopes of multiplying his finances beyond his single planet fortunes, to hopefully owning the largest, richest, and most powerful fight promotion the universe has ever seen....
    The only thing standing in the way of Mackenzie reaching his goal is the champ of the MFF, as well as the alien who relinquished Mackenzie of his title , Zenchi "The Legend" Zakuraba.  This being a challenge for Mackenzie, because his biggest potential investors in his Intergalactic Fight Federation (IFF) is the planetary system of the Teraskian Galaxy.  The Teraskis refuse to invest in the IFF as long as the reigning champ is Zakuraba or any other Vendarian fighter.  Vendari is the neigboring galaxy to the Teraskians, with whom they have been at war with for centuries.  
    In order to surpass what he sees as only a minor speedbump in his journey towards becoming a finacial juggernaut ,Mackenzie devises a plan.  He decided to go ahead and finance with his current investors, the inaugural 32-alien IFF tournament.  This tournament was created with the sole purpose of crowning a new, non-Vendarian champion.  Thus, paving the way for the Teraskians to lend a very LARGE, key,  financial aid into Mackenzies business.  Upon devising this plan, Mackenzie quickly began construction on Mars of the largest fight venue ever created,  THE XENODOME.
    With the XENODOME nearly completed, Mars Mackenzie sent out numerous scouts to begin finding 31 combatants (including Zakuraba) for the 2 week long tournament.  He had already  hand picked  the 32nd combatant.  A Teraskian fighter by the "Kill" Dozer Grulac.  Mackenzie  had already planned on fixing the tournament for a Teraskian fighter to win, just to hopefully further the investment gains with the rich Teraskians, as well as squash any hesitations that they may have.  In order to fix the tournament he had hired a team of genetic martian scientists to  genetically alter Dozer.  Making him far stronger, faster, and smarter than any other alien race.... by a huge margin.  By the time all other 31 combatants had arrived at the XENODOME, the once mediocre fighter "Kill" Dozer Grulac was now the strongest fighter in the universe, and nearly a sure thing to win it all.
    Amongst the entries into the tournament were famed fighters:  Zenchi" The Legend" Zakuraba,  Pluto Fight Championship champion Dexter "Dash" Silva, Porrenian powerhouse Grog "the Hammer" Hexus,  and fast rising young brawler in the smaller shows, Klodos "Suicide" Solomon.  
     Once all of the fighters had arrived at the Xenodome(which was also acting as the housing area for all of the combatants during the tournament) they quickly began forming alliances with one another. The youngster Klodos quickly befriended "Dash" Silva, and Grog Hexus, whom he met at The Blue Corner, a bar within the Xenodome.  (Secretly he had really hoped to meet his hero, champion Zenchi Zakuraba during his time on Mars).  The three got along great and soon decided to become training partners throughout the competition, and beyond. Forming Suicidal Fighting Systems,  their team based out of Saturn.
    Day one of the competition kicked off.  Klodos, Zenchi, Dozer, Grog, Dash, and several other fighters glided through the competition.  Back in the training area, an impressed Zakuraba stopped by to have a sparring session with the young Solomon.  Even though Klodos was easily picked apart by the champ, he managed to wobble him with a heavy head kick.  Zenchi again was impressed and definitely felt that the youngster could possibly be the future of the sport. 
   Round 2 of the tournament went much like the first.  All of the big names again defeated their lesser opponents advancing to the next round.  But the big news of the week, was that the stage had been set, for the "Kill"Dozer/Zakuraba match.  Also Klodos was turning many heads with his second knockout victory of the tournament over Pafo Plugash.  With Dozer easily making it to the third round to fight Zench Zakuraba, Mars Mackenzie found himself filled with anxious excitement over the massive fortunes he would soon recieve from the Teraskians.  Once his genetically altered super-fighter Dozer had taken out the former champ.  
     Round 3 began with Grog advancing over Ma`ega Zahn, Klodos again knocking out his opponent Eddy "Undead" Herman(This time via flying knee), and Frax Freeman pulling a stunning knockout upset over "Dash" Silva.  Removing him from the tournament.  This left Grog to face the winner of Grulac/Zakuraba, and the young Klodos to face Freeman.  Zenchi finally stepped into the ring to face the massive Dozer Grulac, and the entire Xenodome was at the edge of their seats, awaiting the most anticipated matchup of the tournament.  The bell rang, and the undersized Zakuraba quickly connected with a straight right, then got the takedown on Grulac.  The crowd exploded in excitement,  then suddenly the huge Grulac got to his feet, lifted the former champ into the air, and slammed him crashing into the mat.  He followed this slam with a flurry of ground and pound style punches to his dazed foe.  The ref called the stoppage, and the champ was finally....dethroned.  Mars Mackenzie sat in his skybooth grinning from ear-to-ear, and the crowd sat in silent amazement.  
     Round 4 begins.  The energy is far different than before Zakuraba`s defeat.  The crowd and fighters began to realize that Grulac seemed "oddly" strong for a Teraskian fighter, and they began to suspect foulplay.  However, it didnt`t matter if anyone found out, because the man in charge was behind it all .  Klodos, and Grog knew this, and became overcome by the realization that they were simply pawns in a much larger plan than the tournament.  Grog entered the ring to face Grulac.  Statistically, Grog, the Porrenian fighter, should have been far stronger than any Teraskian fighter.  However once the fight began this was not the case.  The bell rang and Grog immediately shot in to take down his foe.  But Dozer picked up the large Grog over his head, and power bombed him onto his back.  The winded Grog gasped for air as Dozer mounted him, and began a vicious ground-and-pound assault.  Grog fought to his feet, now knowing his only chance in the fight was to stand with the Killdozer.  Dozer was also too fast on the feet as he began to assault Grog with power shots.  After a hellacious uppercut, the Porrenian  fell limp to the ground.  Dozer leaped into the air and sent an unnecessary knee crashing into his unconscious foes head.  He had won again, and Grog was taken to the infirmary on a stretcher.  Klodos looked on at the mutated Dozer, filled with rage. 
     Klodos then took the stage, still angry over what had just occured.  The bell rang, and the young Klodos charged in to his opponent Frax Freeman.  With a perfect takedown , Klodos then climbed onto his foes back, placed his arms around Freeman`s neck, and choked him unconscious with a rear naked choke.  The Final stage had been set, Solomon vs. Grulac.
     The night before the finals, both fighter were sent to rejuvination chambers so that they could be 100% for the next days fight.  Mars Mackenzie sat in his office overjoyed by his confidence that his larger Teraskian fighter would surely make short work of the unlikely finalist Klodos.
    The finals begin as both fighters make their way down the main aisle,  fireworks launching from the main stage.  The announcer introduces the fighters, and the bell rings.  Grulac begins his vicous onslaught with vicious headkicks and power punches.  Klodos is wobbled, but has a plan.  If he can take and avoid enough of Grulacs attacks, perhaps his foe will tire.  After the first round ends, a round that was clearly won by Grulac.  Klodos looks across the ring and sees the large fighter breathing very heavily.  Round two begins, Klodos begins his own attack with a flying knee.  It, connects and wobbles Grulac.  Then Klodos throws a superman punch, head kick, straights, jabs, everything he has at the "Kill" Dozer.  Grulacs eyes glaze over, and then young Klodos knees him right under his chin.  Lights Out.  The highly favored Dozer goes down, and the young Kondorian, Klodos, is crowned champion.  Zakuraba enters the ring to congratulate his fan, as does Mars Mackenzie.  Mackenzie, while being upset that his fighter had lost, was impressed by Klodos.  As were the Teraskians who still decided to fund the IFF.  
So ended the inaugural IFF tournament.  And, so began the reign of the great champ Klodos "Suicide" Solomon.   This was also the beginning of the IFF, and the........


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17.07.2013, 11:34 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.03.2015 11:32 von Silver Surfer.)
Beitrag #2
RE: [MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts

Zenchi "The Legend" Zachurava

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(Pics By MMAliens)

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17.07.2013, 11:39 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.03.2015 11:23 von Silver Surfer.)
Beitrag #3
RE: [MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts
Klodos "Suicide" Solomon

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(Pics By MMAliens)

Klodos "Suicide" Solomon:

Height: 6` 6"
Weight: 260lbs.
Fighting Out of: Kane, Kondora
Record: 26-2-0

Notable Wins:
Pafo "Painmaker" Plugash
"Kill" Dozer Grulac
Creep "Mauler" Mardine

Current IFF Champion
Former Kondorian Cage Combat Champion
Former KO Fight League Champion

Klodos "Suicide" Solomon gets his nickname "Suicide" from his risk taker style of fighting, and his fearless attitude. This brawler entered into the Intergalactic Fight Federation (IFF) with a 20-2-0 record as a last minute replacemement for a fighter who was killed in a bar altercation with Dozer Grulac. A heavy underdog in the tournament, he went on to defeat all of his opponent via KO, including Dozer Grulac to become the first ever, and current IFF champion.

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17.07.2013, 11:43 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.03.2015 11:27 von Silver Surfer.)
Beitrag #4
RE: [MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts
Grog "The Hammer" Hexus

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(Pics By MMaliens)

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17.07.2013, 11:48 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.03.2015 11:23 von Silver Surfer.)
Beitrag #5
RE: [MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts
Fighter Z-24

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(Pics By MMAliens)

Fighter Z-24:

Height: 6`6"
Weight: 275lbs.
Fighting Out of:?????

IFF Rookie of the Year 4082

Notable Wins:
Orgon"The Invader" Wellz

Noone knows where fighter Z-24 came from, why he came to the IFF, or how he got that metal arm. But Orgon Wellz and former champ Zenchi Zakuraba learned how strong that arm is. Both suffered knockout losses to the left hand of this mysterious challenger. Also, lesser known Mizkhan Gabriel learned how hard it can squeeze when he was caught in a rear naked choke, and squeezed unconscious during Z-24`s IFF debut. It was these three victories that earned this young fighter Rookie of the year in 4028. After being derailed in his 4th fight with a submission loss to "Dash" Silva, he is sure to improve. Having never spoken a word in the ring, nothing is known of the personality of this fighter. However, his hands hands have done alot of talking. Enough so, to make the masked fighter Z-24 one of the greatest fan-favorites the IFF has ever seen. Look for him to avenge that loss to Silva in the near future.

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17.07.2013, 12:13 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.03.2015 12:02 von Silver Surfer.)
Beitrag #6
RE: [MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts
Dexter "Dash" Silva

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(Pics By MMAliens)

Dexter "Dash" Silva:

Height: 7`
Weight: 274 lbs.
Fighting out of: Pash-Gin, Pluto

Notable Wins:
Grog "The Hammer" Hexus
Xander "Xeno Warrior" Xenon
Fighter Z-24

Jupiter-Jitsu Black Belt
Former Pluto Fighting Championship (PFL) World Champion
Lazoros Submission Grappling Champion

Dexter "Dash" Silva is perhaps the most feared submission fighter in the IFF. A Jupiter-Jitsu black belt under the famed Orion Gracie ,and submission grappling champion, make Silva an absoute force, not if, but when the fight hits the mat. A veteran of Mixed Martian Arts combat, he has nearly 80 fights on his record. Which he compiled in only 5 short years. His only losses are to top flight competitors such as Zenchi Zakuraba, Dozer Grulac, and a surprising upset ko loss to Frax Freeman. Currently, he is training with Zakuraba and Klodos Solomon on his standup game. Which he showed great improvements on in his fight with Grulac, where he actually dazed his oversized foe with a right hook.

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17.07.2013, 12:19 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.03.2015 12:02 von Silver Surfer.)
Beitrag #7
RE: [MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts
"Kill" Dozer Grulac

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(Pics By MMAliens)

"Kill" Dozer Grulac:

Height: 7`8"
Weight: 402 lbs.
Fighting Out of:
Tuskaya, Teraskia Planet G-48
Record: 47-1-0

Notable Wins:
Grog "The Hammer" Hexus
Zenchi "The Legend" Zakuraba
Frax Freeman

IFF Inaugural Tournament Runner-Up
Teraskian Fightsport Magazine Fighter of the Year-4081
Kombat Nation Champion

The always intimidating specimen known as "Kill"Dozer Grulac has a nearly flawless record with the exception of one KO loss to Klodos Solomon in the final round of the IFF tournament. However, some foulplay was expected from Grulac. He was handpicked by Mars Mackenzie to win his tournament, and gain Teraskian investors. Grulac had exponentially increased in size by the start of the tournament, this was rumored to be the product of genetic altering, performed by doctors to give Dozer a massive edge over his competition.

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17.07.2013, 12:31
Beitrag #8
RE: [MMAliens] Mixed Martian Arts
Eine wirklich durchgeknallte Idee. Ich finds klasse & zwar alles. Die Statuen (der blaue Breitbeinige fällt ein wenig gegenüber den anderen ab) sehen durchgestylt aus und haben einen hohen Wiedererkennungswert. Die Idee dahinter wurde mit einer Hintergrundstory verpackt und ist originell und was neues.

Bei den Charakteren die noch keinen Art Print haben bzw. wo Daten und Story fehlt, gibt es noch nix. Wird aber noch nachgeliefert und ich Update dann natürlich.

Auch gibt es noch einige weitere Charaktere bei den aber noch keine Umsetzung in 3D existiert.

[Bild: 70127075-e86a-44cf-bpzjxe.jpeg]
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