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Normale Version: [DC Collectibles] The Dark Knight Returns - Batman - Bust
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Next year, Frank Miller’s THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS celebrates its 30th Anniversary. Yes, it’s been three decades since we first met Carrie Kelley and Commissioner Yindel and watched Batman grapple in the grime with the Mutant Leader. With a new Dark Knight miniseries about to hit the stands, we’re certainly not letting this milestone pass unobserved and our cohorts in DC Collectibles are excited to get in on the fun.

DC Collectibles will be releasing two impressive new collectibles drawn from the world of Frank Miller’s iconic story in 2016, starting with a new Batman bust based on Miller’s art. The wrinkled cowl, the scowl and stubble… it’s all there! Sculpted by Alterton, the BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS BUST will be available February, 2016.

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Bust
Based on the Art of Frank Miller
Sculpted by Alterton
Limited Edition of 3,000
Price $50.00
In Stores February, 2016

Montag spontan die Büste bestellt und gestern bekommen. Bilder mach ich später und lade sie hier hoch.
Eins sei gesagt, DC Collectibles hat an der Qualität gearbeitet. Super Paintjob, gutes Gewicht für die kleine Größe und ein klasse Sculpt.
Die 60€ waren es definitiv wert. Als Fan des Comics kann man damit nichts falsch machen. Doppeldaumen
So und nun hier die Bilder:

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